Friday, September 10, 2010

Workout Nutrition Tips #1: Pre/Post-Workout Meal

I've read several different articles online as to which is the "most important meal of the day," and I've run across some conflicting articles.  Each stance seems to have some convincing points in nutritional theory.  I find find it to be a bit of a pain trying to follow the current trend so I just follow all of it.

For my pre-workout meal, I usually use one of my "main" meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner).  I feel that this works out well as it supplies all the necessary nutrition that the pre-workout camp advocates.  It has carbs so that you have the energy to workout, it has proteins (one study seems to show better absorption of protein taken before a workout), and some fats.  Then depending on how heavy the meal was, I usually wait anywhere between 1 to 2 hours to digest.  

For my post-workout meal, I usually use whey protein in 2% milk with a fruit (usually a banana) or cereal.  Supposedly, after a workout, a lot of your blood is in your muscles and not in your digestive tract which slows down digestion.  So whey protein is good because the body is able to easily digest it quickly.  The milk is a nice plus because the protein from milk is mainly caesin (a slower digesting protein) so it gives me a nice mix.  I know some thinks that the milk should be skim milk, but honestly, I would rather have water...  Plus, I don't think that the fat from 2% milk would slow down my digestion of whey protein significantly.  I then take in the carbs to switch myself from a catabolic state to an anabolic one.


  1. Nutrition is definitely important, in fact I consider nutrition to be more important than actual physical exercise by 60/40 ratio. As it is a source of fuel for us to be mobile.

    I like your diet, I would also suggest taking oak meal with several egg whites along with morning protein shake to stop catabolic activity. Take snacks between meals such as tuna with whole wheat bread etc.

    Yes, must have abundant pre-workout meal to function well, such as bananas, salmon, chicken breast, spinach, asparagus, with brown rice etc. If tight on schedule just drink whey protein shake with 2% milk and banana. I don't know how fast your metabolism is, but I usually need to wait half a hour before workout.

    For Post work-out, supposedly we have one hour to refuel ourselves before going into catabolic stage. I replenish with whey protein with 2% milk. And I eat huge for dinner. Milk shouldn't really slow down the digestion, instead it reinforces our protein intake. As one small carton of milk contains 10 g of protein.

    For my last meal before sleep, I usually drink casein protein with milk sometimes with water. If you don't have casein protein, then consume cottage cheese, very good source of casein protein. It is imperative you eat right before you sleep as you will be fasting for next seven to eight hours, hence your body will get into survival mode, breaking down your muscle, although not dramatically.

    Progressing and maintaining our body is definitely expensive. But hey, better the car you need better fuel. Same goes with our bodies.

  2. Thanks for the tips. Taking a pre/post-workout meal is important in working out. Speed up your muscle growth with the help of supplements. Take what's necessary.
