I completed my fourth Fit Test today. The results were pretty close to what I expected. Some, I improved a lot, others not quite so much.
Here's the Fit Test score:
Fit Test 4
1. Switch Kicks 72
2. Power Jacks 68
3. Power Knees 88
4. Power Jumps 40
5. Globe Jumps 10
6. Suicide Jumps 18
7. Push-Up Jacks 31
8. Low Plank Oblique 46
Fit Test Analysis:
As expected, my Switch Kicks did not improve as drastically as before. I only managed to get 3 extra kicks in during the test. I would have been able to get a few more in, but due to not paying careful attention to my surroundings, I've lost a few precious seconds to squeeze the extra in. As I've mentioned in the last Fit Test post, I seem to be reaching a limit of sorts.
My Power Jacks this time around increased less than the prior Fit Tests, but considering the sheer number, I feel I've done quite well. My opinion on Power Jacks is now similar to that of Switch Kicks. I don't see myself improving quite as much anymore in Power Jacks. I went pretty fast throughout the given time limit without rest and only managed to do 68. I might be able to squeeze a few more in as I get faster, but we all know that it will be a diminishing return.
Power Knees improved quite a bit this time also. I feel that as I get a stronger core, I am able to maintain my balance better which is crucial for this exercise.
I've also improved in my Power Jumps as well, although far less than the prior improvement. I was losing a lot of energy by this time, which I think may have been due to improper eating yesterday (more on this later).
When looking at the numbers, I've only improve marginally in Globe Jumps and Suicide Jumps. I still see a large room for improvement with these exercises. The large movements required for each of these tends to be quite taxing.
Now for Push Up Jacks and Low Plank Obliques. I showed a pretty solid improvement this time around. All those push ups in the second month of the workout is really starting to show. My lower back has also strengthened considerably since the Low Plank Obliques were not as grueling as before.
Now, about yesterday's eating. I think this was what really came to bite me in the butt during today's workout. I only had a glass of juice and 1 meal the whole day yesterday due to a hectic schedule. Despite eating breakfast earlier today, I think my body wasn't able to recover sufficiently for today.
It has been a week! Where are the posts? Did you quit?