Sunday, October 10, 2010

Insanity Workout - Day 42

Bleh... Today was supposed to be a rest day but due to bad scheduling on my part, I couldn't work out yesterday, and did it today instead.  In retrospect, I should have rested today as well and just start on Monday.  It really was one of those days where everything just wasn't working out quite the way I wanted it to.

I only had about 4 hours of sleep the night before and that just wasn't working to my favor.  I had a headache the whole day that turned into a full blown migraine during the workout.  The weather shifted and turned a nice cool weather into a hot upper 90's.  It's October and here in SoCal, we're suffering sweltering heat.

It was Max Interval Plyo again and due to my abysmal performance for the last one, I didn't want to skip it.  Well... it was better than last time... I think.  I couldn't focus on the workout due to the heat and migraine.  The heat, I could have ignored, but the migraine was a whole different story.  The entire workout turned into an ultra-aggravating workout.  Usually, I feel good after the whole thing despite how hard it is, but not this time.

I know this sounds like a whole mess of excuses and to be honest, I seriously thought about just stopping halfway through and calling it a day.  Maybe I should have.  But, at the time, and even now, I believe it was an important test to continue.  I feel that if even once, I make excuses to stop, it would just get easier every time.

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