Finally finished week 3. Honestly, I'm a bit excited. Just one week left before I hit that halfway mark. Now for some updates...
I seem to be actually gaining weight. I used to average about 168 lbs, but for the past few days I'm averaging 170 lbs. As far as I can see, I haven't gained any fat, so I'm hoping that it's mainly muscles. I really need to get myself either a body fat caliper or other form of checking device to keep track. The only reason I haven't bought myself a caliper yet is because I've read online that depending on the equation used, they could be significantly inaccurate.
From a visual inspection, I seem to be gaining muscles on my leg that I didn't even know I had. Abs are slightly more defined since the previous week. My stamina also seems to have increased as shown by yesterday's workout session. On the whole, I'm pretty satisfied with my results so far.
I have, as mentioned in a previous article, added pull ups to my workout. I wanted more back exercises and pull ups fills that niche perfectly. Also, I felt that I haven't been recovering as well as I could with just protein and banana, so I bought Optimum Nutrition's Glycomaize. I'll be putting up a review on this in about a week after I see how well it works.
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